

We would like YOU to become a member!

The IDA Wisconsin Branch is a membership organization, dependent upon members for their volunteer efforts and funding branch operations. Our members include parents, teachers, diagnosticians, tutors, adult dyslexics and others interested in learning credible information about reading disabilities and learning the skills needed to help remediate reading barriers.

Our parent organization, the International Dyslexia Association provides members with four issues of Perspectives per year, reduced rates at the National Conference, and two volumes of Annals of Dyslexia per year. It also provides discounts on most other IDA publications and the possibility of inclusion on IDA’s and the Branch’s referral lists. Membership benefits from the Branch include reduced rates at all IDA Wisconsin Branch sponsored local educational activities and conferences and four newsletters per year.

Join the International Dyslexia Association

Our members are parents, teachers, tutors, diagnosticians, advocates, speech-language pathologists, adult dyslexics and others who wish to learn more about dyslexia and help remediate those struggling with reading and other language related issues. Our members join the IDA Wisconsin Branch because we provides credible information about the nature of dyslexia and strategies to overcome its challenges.

Membership in the IDA automatically leads to membership in the Wisconsin Branch if you reside in Wisconsin. A portion of every membership dollar sent to IDA is returned to this Branch. As the Branch grows in memberships its ability to provide services related to improving the condition of individuals with dyslexia increases both because of increased financial support and a larger group of potential volunteers.

Members support the organization by attendance at our Annual Conference, educational workshops and training events. Fees from these activities are the major source of revenue for the Branch. Join today!

Many of these activities offer volunteer opportunities. Contact the Branch by email or leave a voice mail at 608-355-0911 if you are interested in volunteering.

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