Welcome to the International Dyslexia Association Wisconsin Branch website. Exciting things are happening across the state with training, legislation, simulations, and awareness campaigns. With an active and passionate Board of Directors who volunteer their time to raise awareness and improve reading throughout Wisconsin, we invite you to get involved too! On our website, you will find the latest information and events regarding reading initiatives and practices that will help guide the work being done.
Whether you are a parent, a professional, or someone who is interested in learning more and being a part of the growing demand for change, we know you will find inspiration and guidance here. Please contact us for additional information – We are here to help!
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is celebrating its 75th anniversary. That is 75 years of helping children learn to read! Therefore, they came out with a special emblem to celebrate. Here’s to more years helping children learn to read. Watch out for more information about their annual conference in October in Dallas, Texas.
Facebook Update: We have a new site on Facebook. Please like and share us.
May 18, 2024
The Children’s Center for Dyslexia-Madison had their annual 5K walk. It is their biggest fundraiser of the year making over $10,000 this year (I do not know the final number). Thank you for all the walkers, teams and sponsors. The CCD-Madison provides free tutoring for children with dyslexia. There were lots of walkers, including IDAWI President Priscilla Gresens. She enjoys helping spread awareness of dyslexia. Also, walking as a team was Kim Feller of Feller Schools, who had the biggest team there. If you didn’t make it this year, there is always next year. Enjoy the pictures of Priscilla with Director of CCD-Madison and IDAWI board member, Kelly Kuenzie and Priscilla with Kim Feller.
October 27, 2023
Katie Kasubaski, State Lead of Decoding Dyslexia-Wisconsin and President Priscilla Gresens (IDAWI) attended and showcased both DD and IDAWI at the Reading League of Wisconsin annual conference. We learned a lot listening to the speakers and loved spreading the word of dyslexia to Wisconsin. Until Everyone Can Read!
October 13, 2023
Our faithful president, Priscilla Gresens, went to the IDA National Conference in Columbus, Ohio. She presented Dyslexia 101 as a session option. Her and President Elect for the Rocky Mountain IDA, Rachel Arnold, did a great job. So well that our National rep joined us for a selfie
October 7, 2023
2nd Annual Dyslexia Party and Fundraiser.
We had a great turn out despite the Badger Homecoming game. We had fun, made some money for IDAWI and talked, low key, about dyslexia.
So much fun that we are doing it again next year! October 5th at Oakstone 1-4 Open to all!
September 30, 2023
The Right To Read documentary viewing.
We sponsored and showed the film The Right To Read. We had several people show up to Reeve Theatre on the UW-Oshkosh campus. We had some good prizes and some good discussion. The audience watched the film and then we talked about it; mostly the similarities and differences between the places in the film and that of Wisconsin, especially Oshkosh.
August 2023
Feller Schools is the first school for children with Dyslexia. When they opened, they were for students kindergarten through 3rd grade. Now they have expanded to 5th grade. They had a fun day at Wisconsin Brewery in Verona, despite the rain.
Feller founder Kim Feller-Janus and IDAWI President Priscilla Gresens at the event.
July 26, 2023-Governor Evers Proclaims today Americans with Disabilities Act’s (ADA) 33rd Anniversary!
The ADA ensures rights for individuals with disabilities in the US. It was passed in 1990.
July 19,2023-Governor Tony Evers signs AB321 into ACT20!
The Right to Read has become law!
May 2023-Supporting the Children’s Dyslexia Center of Madison.
This center is a free tutoring for children with dyslexia. This center is run off of donations. Every year, they have a fundraising walk in Madison.
If you want to support them, please visit: http://www. madison-cdc.org
Center Director Kelly Kuenzie and President of IDAWI-Priscilla Gresens at the walk.
April 16,2023-Milwaukee Admirals Hockey Game-Dyslexia Awareness.
It was a fun game. The video telling the audience about dyslexia aired on the jumbotron during the first period. President Priscilla rode on the Zamboni during the first intermission. Plus, we had a table right next to the entrance/exit and across from the customer service desk. We heard lots of stories. People reached out and took our website down. It was a great day for hockey and dyslexia.
“Blame it on Gutenberg” movie. Saturday, March 11th put on by Feller Forum and Feller Schools. Watch out for times we will be showing again.
Wonderful resource: The Wisconsin Dyslexia Roadmap
Donation from the Pauline Redmond Coggs Foundation.
Thanks to our board member Dara Atandare for nominating IDAWI for this donation. It was a fun morning meeting all these wonderful ladies and other causes they support. The money will be used towards our 2023 conference.
January 7, 2023
Governor Tony Evers declares October Dyslexia Awareness Month
Legislation Update:
Governor Evers signing First Dyslexia Law
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