Board Position Description

Board Position Description

Title:  Director

Responsible to:  Members, IDA & Wisconsin Branch Board

Objective:  Support the IDA Wisconsin Branch members and BoD in successfully accomplishing the goals and objectives of the organization

Term:  Three years and may serve a second consecutive term.

Meetings:  The Board meets 4 times annually. Board members may also be assigned to working committees that require participation and attendance.

Branch Officers

  • Have knowledge of Branch, Branch Council and IDA bylaws, policies and procedures, that directly affect branch operation
  • Fulfill the responsibilities described in the Branch bylaws as well as other duties assigned by the President and/or the Branch board
  • Attend  and participate in Branch sponsored events and conferences
  • Participate actively as responsible Branch members and maintain transparent accountability
  • Read IDA communications promptly, as well as IDA publications and materials
  • Be familiar with the most current version of Robert’s Rules of Order
  • Transmit all records, reports, and other materials promptly to succeeding officers and orient new officers

Director Responsibilities

  • Shall be individual members in good standing of The Association
  • Are expected to attend all meetings of the board
  • Are expected to attend and actively participate in all branch events
  • Are expected to serve on at least one branch board committee
  • Are expected to communicate in a timely manner on matters relating to the branch and IDA
  • Must avoid conflict of interest situations, such as establishing contractual relationships with groups or organizations with which the board member has a vested interest
  • Shall receive authorization from the Branch President when speaking for or representing the Branch; however, members are free to discuss goals, activities, and services of the Branch
  • Shall seek approval from the board for Branch related expenditures
  • Shall commit to fulfill their assigned responsibilities
  • Shall attend a Branch orientation meeting prior to beginning his/her term or within 30 days of becoming a board member
  • May be removed for non-compliance of expectations stated above and/or actions determined to be detrimental to the branch or IDA
  • It is recommended that all board members sign a conflict of interest policy, as adopted by the branch
  • Preside over all business meetings of the IDA Wisconsin Branch, the Board, and Executive Committee
  • Provide support to the IDA Wisconsin Branch leadership
  • Serve on at least one committee
  • Attend and represent the IDA Wisconsin Branch at annual membership meeting and conference
  • Accountability and Timeliness in the IDA Wisconsin Branch commitments
  • Respond to inquiries made to the IDA Wisconsin Branch by email and phone
  • As chair of any IDA Wisconsin Branch committee, prepare and submit committee report for each IDA Wisconsin Branch BoD meeting

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